CardioSTAT ECG Clinical Report
5 sections to provide relevant clinical information
SECTION 1 - summary
Patient’s medical information
Rhythms, heart rates and ectopic beats statistics
Interpretation area
SECTION 2 - critical findings
Rhythm strips associated with critical arrhythmias are shown upfront in the final report
Predefined criteria for critical arrhythmias are used for analysis prioritization
SECTION 3 - full recording tachogram
One page to contextualize anomalies at a glance
A heart rate variability tachogram of the full recording with typical bradycardia/tachycardia indicators
Circadian references
Time distribution of quantifiable ECG metrics and anomalies
SECTION 4 - daily tachograms
A daily split view of the heart rate variability tachogram
Daily burdens of quantifiable rhythms (Sinus, Afib/Flutter, ...)
Hourly and daily counts of ectopic beats
SECTION 5 - ECG strips
Rhythm strips associated with observations and abnormalities
Histograms for pauses
Symptoms and ECG findings correlated with patient reported events